This manual has been prepared by the finest minds the Cylon Defense Force has to offer. It will serve as a handbook for any CDF member when the Cylons inevitably attack humanity once again.
The Cylon Defense Force is a paramilitary organization established to protect against the Cylon threat. The CDF manual was prepared by the finest minds the Cylon Defense Force has to offer, and will be humanity’s best resource for survival during the coming Cylon attack.
The contents of this manual will provide readers with information vital for survival during and after the Cylon invasion. You will learn CDF protocols and procedures to adhere to when the Second Cylon War begins, gain knowledge on how to stay safe from hidden Cylon agents, and learn the best way to survive Cylon encounters. Further, we provide protocols for establishing CDF’s judiciary system to maintain order during and after the upheaval.
With the knowledge contained in the following pages, you will become a leader of the Human Resistance and ensure that the Cylons will never accomplish their goal of destroying humanity.

Figure 1.1: Map of the Twelve Colonies