Glossary of Terms
The following terms, defined by the Cylon Defense Force, will be utilized throughout the CDF Survival Manual. Please refer back to this glossary as needed.
Colonial Fleet: The group of ships, military and civilian, that are able to mobilize and escape from the Twelve Colonies immediately following the attacks.
Cylon: Murderous synthetic humanoid beings that seek the eradication of humanity; AKA toasters, scrap metal, hunks of junk.
Cylon Defense Force (CDF): Coalition of humans across the galaxy prepared to defend humanity from the Cylon threat. A paramilitary organization.
Hierarchy: Chain of command established within the Colonial Fleet after the attacks. It is unlikely that this will be the same or even similar to the current Colonial government.
Human Resistance: The force of humans that are preparing for the return of the Cylons. They will be the ones to combat the Cylons and ensure the survival of the human race.
Humanoid Cylon (HC): A Cylon who appears and acts like a regular human. An HC might be unaware that they are in fact a Cylon, and could be virtually impossible to detect.
Second Cylon War: The impending return of the Cylons, when they will attack humans once again. This war will take millions of lives and destroy our civilization as we know it.
Stockpile: A large quantity of supplies. A good stockpile will generally consist of either nonperishable food, medicine, ammunition, and/or other supplies valued in survival situations.
The Attack: The initial contact made by Cylons that will begin the Second Cylon War. The CDF expects this attack to be unexpected and devastating.
Twelve Colonies: The current homeworlds of the human race. After the attack, it is likely that some or all of the colonies will be eradicated or under Cylon control. This manual will still refer to them as a collective group, regardless of their status after the attack.