Establishing a Hierarchy
As we work to help maintain, prepare, and shape the future of humanity it is important to keep calm in this situation. It is our mission as the CDF to guide and arm every individual with the necessary knowledge and skills to increase chances of survival. Establishing a hierarchy is vital, but deciding who should do what can be a strenuous and tricky process. In order to keep level heads and avoid any discontentment, the CDF has provided a list of instructions below to help aid this process.
To avoid any conflict choosing a leader, CDF members shall be the designated leader in any group as they are most experienced and knowledgeable of protocols.
- DO get in contact with the CDF ASAP. Whether that is at your local posts, CDF safehouse, or through a trusted cellular device/HAM radio. Instructions will be given.
- Once contact has been made, CDF members will assign positions based upon each person’s skills and traits.
- Each positions are as follows: CDF Rex (Rex), Caput 1 (C1), Caput 2 (C2), Communico (CO), Bell Dux (BD), Medix (MX), Pignus (P)
- DO familiarize yourself with these terms:
- CDF Rex: Leader of the group. The CDF Rex will always be a member of the CDF. Each member has been specially trained for these types of scenarios or “missions”. Our goal as the CDF is to protect and lead any wanderers back to the Colonial Fleet unharmed.
- Caput 1: Caput 1, or the C1, will be the CDF Rex’s right hand man. In charge of handling governmental issues, the person in this position will require the highest level of scholastic knowledge out of the group. The C1 will help the CDF Rex in tough decisions/choices.
- Caput 2: Caput 2, or the C2, will be the CDF Rex’s left hand man. Like the C1, they will also contribute to any decisions made by the CDF Rex. Unlike the C1, the C2 shall oversee organization within the group. This can include: collecting data, maintaining data, or organizing war plans. They will be heavily involved with the Bell Dux.
- Communico: The Communico will be translating messages to and from the Colonial Fleet. This person will be in charge of all messages that come through, as well as keeping records on every call made. It is important that the chosen CO has good communication skills, and can interpret situations when needed.
- Bell Dux: The Combat Leader. Along with the CDF Rex, the Bell Dux will help in any decisions that involve any sort of combat. To hold this position, the member must be able to remain calm in stressful situations, as well making rational decisions. Having knowledge in any sort of weapons or war tactics will be very helpful.
- Medix: This position requires knowledge of medicine or any type of medical procedure. The MX will be in charge of taking care and helping wounded team members. Knowledge of herbs and poultices would be especially beneficial in times of crisis.
- Pignus: These will be the remaining members of the group. Any remaining members will be P1, P2, P3, etc. These members will be in charge of looking out, learning the roles of different positions. They will be in charge of odd-jobs such as cooking or building, as well as offering any assistance to the positions above.
- DO NOT disrupt the chain of command. It is important to stick to each position and follow the directions of your CDF Rex in order to survive and return to the Colonial Fleet safely.